Agility at Craigtoun Park

I am very excited to announce that we have the go ahead from the Friends of Craigtoun to run agility classes in the park. Dog agility training is a fantastic exercise for both dog owner and dog. It requires working together to improve the dog's physical fitness, focus and concentration, it provides mental stimulation, building incredible communication skills between owner and dog as well as being a lot of fun!

This is a FUN class for dogs (and owners) of all shapes, sizes and abilities. NO previous experience required. If you would like to build your bond with your dog, and have great fun in the process this is for you. All types of bribary to get your dog round the course is permitted and encouraged. Guaranteed some dogs will not comply (probably mine!) but that is all part of the fun. Certificates for most stubborn, most enthusiastic and most entertaining!!

Why Dog Agility?

As a pet dog owner I love to do activities with my dog. Agility is fun, provides both exercise and mental stimulation and builds on your communication skills, to me, it is the perfect all in one activity. As there are no classes local to St Andrews I decided to buy some equipment to try it out ourselves, but when I spoke to other dog owners it became clear there is a demand for a regular class in our area.

Do I have to have experience?

Absolutely not, this is a fun class only. If you want to do agility to competition level then this is probably not the class for you. While I hope that we will all build on our skills and speed, the primary focus of this class is building a bond with your dog through training techniques and working together. As the weeks progress there will be opportunities to try timed and scored runs if you want to keep track of your progress as well as 'competition' events.

My dog isn't very obedient, can we still come?

Yes, of course you can. This class is aimed at helping owners build up their communication skills with their dogs, working together and building a better bond. If you need any help with the basics before class starts just drop me a line and I can send you the links to the basic training articles on the website. At each class there will be games you can play with your dog (and practice at home) that will help build their focus on you.

My dog is old/young, can we still come?

Yes you can, but you must take the dog's age and welfare into consideration, some old dogs are very active, have no health issues and would relish the opportunity to do some of the activities. If your dog has health concerns then you must follow your veterinarians advice. Puppies should not be encouraged to jump until 9 months for small dogs and one year for large breeds, jumps will be placed at ground level so they can easily step over.

Do I have to pay for a block in advance?

No, there is a £20 registration fee that covers administration and will secure your place, then a weekly £6 fee payable on the day.

I only want to try it out rather than come to a regular class, is that possible?

Many people seem keen to try their dog on agility equipment without wanting to get involved in the activity as a sport. If you are looking to just 'give it a go', then a regular class will be run every Saturday during winter (weather permitting). Contact details are below if you would like to be kept in the loop about timings.

What equipment will be there?

Currently there are 4 adjustable height jumps, a tyre jump, a tunnel, weave poles, raised dog walk and an A-frame. Money from the class will go towards paying for the equipment and a donation will also be made to the Friends of Craigtoun for kindly letting us have the class in the park.

Why Saturday?

The cafe is open on Saturdays only throughout the winter months at Craigtoun Park. We may well find ourselves having to warm up with a hot drink and snacks afterwards. If the classes are sucessfull, they will move to evening times when the lighter nights come back in again.

Puppy Daycare

Bringing home a new puppy is so exciting! The trouble is, this can also lead to torn shoes, random potty stains and other bad habits! During their early months, good habits have to be learned. Your puppy needs consistency, routine and attention. Not to worry! As dedicated and trained sitter I will customize a feeding, exercise and training schedule just for your pup. This is suitable for pups up to 8 months old. Owners will get a daily report of progress, and a weekly training report.

Training Articles

The links below lead to the training pages. these pages are designed to help you train your dog based on positive reinforcement and clicker training