Go Walk St Andrews ~ Lumbo Den/Craigtoun Den
The best way to reach Craigtoun Park in St Andrews if you are a keen walker. I started the walk in the Lade Braes so you can see the continuation if you were to walk from town. Follow the sign posted path for Craigtoun park in Lade Braes to go past the Mill pond, continue to the next sign which will direct you past theBogward Doocot.
If you have a dog with poor recall it might be an idea to lead them now. The doocot lies close to a quiet road and the path leads toward Bogward road and that is fairly busy. When you reach Bogward Road cross over to continue to Lumbo Den.
Once at the swing gate the path branches, you can choose either route. The left is more rugged and tree lined. The right Is well paved in ash but more exposed to the elements. Worth noting the left hand path skirts a field with the possibility of livestock best avoided off lead unless you have great recall and a sound dog. The right hand path is a wide ash path and has two benches along the way if you want to stop to admire the views. When the path starts to decent you know you are heading toward the second gate and about to cross a 60mph road.
Cross directly over through the gate and you are in Craigtoun Den. There is a fenced off golf course on the right hand side a burn on the left. Tree lined walk so not too hot but in the main uphill. Safe for off lead dogs.
Just when you think the can't rise any more it starts descending slightly and leads towards another gated road. This one is mainly used by golf buggies and I have never come across a bigger vehicle on there rarely anything passing on it. Once you have crossed over you are practically in Craigtoun Park.
This walk inclues a walk round Craigtoun Park itself, however Craigoun is so good it is getting it's own page- Craigtoun Park
Knock 0.5km 10 mins off if starting at Bogward Road.
Time : 90 mins
Distance : 6.5 km
Rating : 9/10
Hazards : Occational Deer
So in conclusion ...
An excellent walk, the 9/10 rating is due to no poo bins between Bogward Road and Craigtoun Park a bin half way up would be useful.